Tara Lee Retires from Atlanta Ballet After 21 Seasons
After 21 seasons as a Company dancer with Atlanta Ballet, Tara Lee took her final bow on Saturday, May 13, 2017 at the curtain call for a ballet based on Camino Real by Tennessee Williams. She was joined on stage by Camino Real choreographer Helen Pickett, Artistic Director Gennadi Nedvigin, guest conductor Tara Simoncic, and her fellow Atlanta Ballet dancers. She was met with thunderous applause and a long standing ovation. Tara has been an integral member of Atlanta Ballet, a shining star on the stage and a mentor to her fellow dancers in the studio. We are so happy to have her return next season as a choreographer when she creates a brand new work on the Company for the Tu Tu & More program in April 2018.

Photos by Charlie McCullers.