
Meet the characters in the fantastical world of George Balanchine's Coppélia

Atlanta Ballet Dancers Madison Penney and Denys Nedak. Photo by Rachel Neville.

This March, Atlanta Ballet brings the fantastical world of George Balanchine’s Coppélia to life at the Cobb Energy Performing Arts Centre. Featuring ballet’s favorite heroine, the young man to whom she is betrothed, an eccentric toymaker, and the townspeople who populate the small yet vibrant town of Galicia. Get acquainted with the larger-than-life characters you'll meet in this classic tale.

Dr. Coppélius is an elderly toymaker and inventor who lives in a two-story house with a balcony on the edge of the village square. An eccentric character, he is regarded as a sorcerer by the villagers, who both fear and ridicule him. He spends his time in his library, conducting weird experiments.

Coppélia is a life-sized mechanical doll who Dr. Coppélius pretends is his "niece". The result of his experiments and inventions, Coppélia is a true masterpiece. She is so lifelike that she can fool the villagers into thinking she is a real girl. Dr. Coppélius is so enamored with this doll that he tries to use magic—and a touch of menace—to bring her to life.

Swanilda is a beautiful and playful young woman, the most sought-after in the village. She loves life, enjoys spending time with her friends, and is engaged to a handsome fellow villager named Frantz. She and her friends are set to marry at a mass wedding during the Festival of the Bells the following day. Little does she know that her life is about to take some unexpected twists and turns!

Pacific Northwest Ballet dancer Leta Biasucci as Swanilda. Photo by Angela Sterling.

Frantz is engaged to marry the love of his life, Swanilda, but he becomes captivated by the beautiful girl he sees on the balcony of Dr. Coppélius's house. Growing increasingly infatuated with this "mystery girl" in the village, he fails to realize that Coppélia is merely a mechanical doll. Determined to find out whether she loves him, he breaks into Dr. Coppélius's workshop, where he finds himself in grave danger.

Swanilda's Friends enjoy dancing and seeking playful adventures. They discover that the beautiful Coppélia is, in fact, a life-sized doll. Together with Swanilda, they venture into Dr. Coppélius's workshop but flee when the adventure doesn't turn out to be quite as much fun as they anticipated. After all, they are all due to be married the next day!

Pacific Northwest Ballet dancers Sarah Pasch & Ryan Cardea as Swanilda's friend and Dr. Coppélius. Photo by Angela Sterling.

The Villagers are a cheerful group of residents from Galicia who celebrate in the village square. Like Swanilda's friends, they love to dance, and on the eve of the Festival of the Bells, they engage in a Carpathian-Polish mazurka and a Hungarian czárdás until daylight begins to fade.

What mischief takes place in Dr. Coppélius's workshop? What secrets will Swanilda and her friends uncover when they arrive? Will Frantz fall in love with the girl he sees on the balcony? Will Swanilda feel jealousy and suspicion? Or will ballet's beloved heroine save her fiancé and ultimately the day? Join Atlanta Ballet to meet the characters and let your imagination soar with this lighthearted love story filled with whimsical fantasy and clever humor. March 21 through 23, at the Cobb Energy Performing Arts Centre.

Choreography by George Balanchine © The George Balanchine Trust.

Recommended for ages 5 and up. Coppélia is performed in Three Acts with a Running Time of 2 hours 23 minutes.